The final competitive event of the Vintage Sports Car Club for 2015 was the Winter Driving Tests, held at Bicester Heritage in the heart of England. Biters Heritage is a former World War two airfield which is now being restored as a heritage site. May of the former building have been converted in to workshops which are now occupied by Vintage and Classic car restoration companies. The airfield is still used by light aircraft and the local gliding club.
The VSCC Driving tests take part all around the site, some tests are on runways, marked off by traffic cones, while other tests take place amount the many building on site. New for this year, one of the tests had the drivers enter an empty hanger through partially opened doors, drive round a cone inside and then back out through the same partially opened hanger doors.
There were ten tests in total, and an additional hazard this year were very strong gusts of wind, though at least the day remained dry if somewhat dull.
The large entry was split in to three main classes plus an additional class for the Oddities. The best overall performance went to George Diffey driving a little Austin 7 with a total score of 637. He also won the Modified Sports Car Class. Second overall was Charlie Martin in a Riley Special with 645 points and a class win, whist third overall went to Robert Moore in another little Austin 7. Next on overall points was the Class 3 Stand Sport cars class winner Mark Ballard at the wheel of a 1931 Frazer Nash Falcon TT Rep. The Class 2 Touring Cars winner was Neil Thorpe at the wheel of a very niceSinger 9 Sports Coupe. The final two classes for Edwardian and Veteran and Cyclecars and Oddities were combined together with Harry Fraser claiming the class win in a 1910 Overland 38 Speedster
© By Simon & Janet Wright