9th Solexrit 't Wheel

beAlveringem, Belgium  
Event Type
Rally, Tour
24 September 2017
Belgium Alveringem Dorp 25 8690 Alveringem

Restricted 66 km round trip for Solexen and Oldtimerbromers A and B classes <50 cc 
Start between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM - Café 't Wieltje, Village 25, 8690 Alveringem 
Arrival at 17:00 - Price: 25.00 eur / person 
Lunch and 2 drinks start and arrival) included 
Lunch lunch: Pork hamme - Stew meat - Full-O-Vent - Chicken cakes with fries and vegetables 
BBQ sausage included at arrival (from 17:00) 

Registration and choice Dinner time required to reserve before 20/09/2017 by mail to bbt @ telenet.be or by phone 0495/20 81 68 - 0472/37 39 00.

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