buick/cadillac club of south africa

za Rant en Dal, Afrique du Sud  
Type de véhicules

Buick/Cadillac cars

Membre de cette organisation
Date de fondation
Site Internet
Facebook page
+27 076 183-0107
P. O. Box 1306 1751 Rant en Dal Afrique du Sud
Nom contact
don bennett


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The Buick Club of South Africa is a non- profit recreational club registered and approved in terms of section 30 A of the South African Income Tax Act. The club provides its members with opportunities to participate in events and socialise with like-minded enthusiasts. This includes a host of other member benefits and services related to the ownership or aspiration to ownership of classic Buicks, Cadillacs, Oldsmobile’s and Pontiacs built by General Motors and its divisions. Although the club is based in South Africa membership is open to all like-minded enthusiasts of these cars.

The club was inaugurated in the city of Pretoria, Capital of the Republic of South Africa in 2000. It is the largest active organisation on the continent of Africa dedicated to the preservation of all models of Buick; veteran, vintage or classic. In subsequent years, chapters were inaugurated to include Cadillac, Oldsmobile and Pontiac cars produced by the various Divisions of General Motors, both in South Africa and elsewhere.

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