15th Blauwbuik Tourrit (Exaarde)
Eksaarde, Belgium- Event Type
- Shows, Festivals
- Date
- 17 September 2017
- Location
- Belgium Eksaarde Eksaarde-Village 120 9160 Eksaarde
- Website
- https://www.facebook.com/Blauw…
- moc.liamg@ekremitdlo
We are in the 15th edition! Traditionally we come together from 11 am under the church tower of Eksaarde, at Café Sportlokaal,
Eksaardedorp 120. Departure at 13.30u
Both cars, motos, mopeds, tractors, tricks and bikes are welcome. Pre-war vehicles take free part! Others pay € 7.50 per vehicle, regardless of the number of occupants.
For this you will receive a receipt, a roadbook, a souvenir and a sponsor packet. There are also some original souvenirs as well as a souvenir for the club with most participants. Registration can only be done in advance, via https://form.jotformeu.com/71083323884357 and by transfer to: Iban BE70 9792 4557 6925 - BIC ARSPBE22 with name, address, vehicle type, license plate and club, before Friday September 9th.
No on-site registrations.
Please note, only vehicles until the 1975 model year are allowed with a maximum of 150 vehicles!
It's just like the previous years, a ride to remember! So sign in so you can be there. Say it further to your friends and club members. Until then!
Jean-Paul Broekaert 0032 477-21.79.85
[email protected] [email protected]