Searching for an Enthusiastic Partner for Our Vintage Car Website
Since its inception in 2009, has been a haven for vintage car enthusiasts, dedicated to creating a hub that consolidates events and information, fostering the exchange of our profound love for classic automobiles. Our community, comprising over 25,000 members spanning Europe, has solidified us as a reputable brand and a nurturing environment for the exchange of classic car adoration.
Presently, we are embarking on a quest to find an individual who is not only ardently passionate about classic cars, but also possesses an inherent zeal for their essence. We seek a person who can grasp the art of disseminating this ardor, is attuned to the market trends, adept at community management, and skilled in curating or composing exceptional articles.
Behind the scenes, an array of captivating projects awaits, all of which we are excited to divulge during a leisurely coffee chat or a virtual tête-à-tête over Skype.