Event Type
Club Meeting
22 April 2018
Belgium Izegem Sint-Jorisstraat 62 8870 Izegem
[email protected]

On Sunday, April 22, we organize a charity meeting for the benefit of the children's fund. From 10 am all non-everyday vehicles can come together. 
From 11.30 am there is the possibility to enjoy a break meal à volonté. This for the price of 20 € per person. children -12y pay 10 €. 
Registration beforehand, via the website, for lunch is necessary. 
There is live music provided. In the afternoon a trophy is awarded for the oldest car, the farthest car and the largest club. 
The entire proceeds go to the children's fund. The check for this is also given to the chairman of this fund in the afternoon. 

You come, You look, You drive ..... You support !!!!

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