ACE Corporate event

beTervuren, België  
Type evenement
Rally, Uitstap
21 april 2013
België 3080 Tervuren Paleizenlaan
Evenementen organisator
ACE - Automotive Club EUROCONTROL
The ACE spring meeting / rally of 21 April 2013 is open to both ACE members and guests.

Meeting point: Paleizenlaan, Tervuren, from 08:30 for completing the registration, enjoying complimentary breakfast, attend the briefing and receive the rally plates

The roadbook will be sent in electronic form to the registered participants, who will have the responsibility to print it in the form they like or use electronic devices. That is in accordance to the club social responsibility principles, for which the amount of wasted paper and resources shall be reduced to the absolute minimum.

A link with the appropriate form to be filled for the registration and associate administrative information will soon be available. Stay tuned!

Departure: around 09:30 latest.
Lunch: Het Vossenhol, Abdijstraat 3, 3271 Averbode.
Return: around 16:00 (location TBC)

Registration fees:

ACE members € 20
non ACE members € 30
Looking forward to see you soon, keep the motor running!

For the registration:

For further information: [email protected]
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